Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sorry...the pictures

I guess these pictures didn't make it onto the blog page. Sorry.

1 comment:

meg said...

I've been out of my blogging groove since the hurricane, but now I've caught up.
1. I sympethize with the busy schedule, but with 5 babies, sometimes strapped in carseats and seatbelts isn't such a bad place to be!!
2. Quiet is sacrament meeting...uhm... It's a constant battle for us!! Jameson's not quite one, so we spend our time in the hall with him. Jennifer is 4, so old enough to understand but young enough that it's way hard for her. We've had to start to "practice our reverence" when we get home. Sometimes the older girls have to too - sad!
3. I love that your girls are developing good talents. From soccer to cookies - I bet there's never a dull moment at your house!