Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Full Circle

We've come full circle. We celebrated our anniversary at Chick-fil-A (which I think is a couple of steps above McDonald's). The kids had a school fundraiser there, so we gazed at each other over a delicious chicken sandwich and hot waffle fries (and did I mention that lemonade is a dream come true?). He brought home some gorgeous yellow roses: "Oh my goodness! They are yellow roses of Texas!!" "Yes, that's the idea." Lovely.

And, now it's your turn. Everyone has a good story to tell. It actually brings all those twitter-pated feelings back to the surface. I'll be waiting...

On a totally, completely separate note...I have to tell you about my incredible, brave, compassionate sister Adrienne, who is in Nepal at the moment (yes, the country). She called me at 10:30 Sunday night and talked and laughed about the experience she's having, while helping at an orphanage there. amazing. We laughed and cried, talking about those little children (ages 4-13), their kind 'parents' and the poverty that surrounds them. She explained that the children only have about one, worn-thin outfit, and pretty much nothing else. Food is very scarce and funds have diminished (they don't receive any government assistance...and no one else does either really). I told her we wanted to help, anything...$, blankets, shoes, pen-pals, clothing, toys...whatever. She said that would be wonderful.

So, this is a call out to all of you...my brilliant, resourceful, generous, compassionate, wonderful friends. I will keep you posted on how we can help. But, will you? This could be a teachable moment for our families. Thank you. I love you.


The Rodriguez Crew said...

absolutely we'd love to help. i would love to send clothes, blankets, or money - whatever they need most. your sister is amazing for giving her time in that way!

i don't think your love story can be topped my friend! and your cute narration style is pretty hard to compete with too. ;)

Love that y'all landed at chickfila for your anniversary... too perfect. congratulations!!! :)

Tara Brooks said...

We are in! I would love to help!
Let us know what we can do.

Emma Jo said...

How radiant you are! I love your love story and I honestly think that celebrating at Chik Fil A is the best idea (honey roasted bbq sauce by the gallon, please.)
I am so glad I read this when I did because I am IN THE PROCESS of going through closets and whatnot. Just tell me what and where and it will be on its way!!

Andrea said...

Just let me know where to send stuff!

Maritime Girl said...

Count me in on helping. Let me know how. Loved your story and I have fond memories of that delicious breakfast you made for me when you were dating Adam at BYU. He wanted my opinion of you and I gave him the thumbs up!

The Rodriguez Crew said...

lex, you're so cute! YES that's bridget rossi! crazy that it's been THAT many years for all of us isn't it?! thank you for the compliment on my pictures - that makes me happy! I got a new camera for my birthday/mother's day/every other holiday for the rest of the year that I've been trying to learn more about. I have so much more to learn, & the camera does most of the work :), but i'm getting there!!

also, fyi google's free photo editor picasa3 is AWESOME. download it and try it out, you'll love it. :)

The Leonard Four said...

i love that y'all ended up on chick-fil-a on your anniversary! hope it was a happy, happy one! and may i say that y'all are AHdorable! seriously, you look fantastic!

and we'd love to help too! keep us posted ... i'd be happy to send soem stuff to you if you're putting together a giant package, or send it to her myself. let me know!!!

thanks for the bday wishes, friend! it was a good day! love you...

Suzanne said...

Thanks for your G-rated love story! I loved it!

We're part of a children's service organization that just looks for opportunities to help out with places like the orphanage Adrienne's at -- check out the website and lets make plans to help out! www.servingwithsmiles.blogspot.com

Natalie said...

I hope you'll take this as a compliment, because I wouldn't say it if it wasn't...but your husband kind of looks like Mr. Incredible, or some other strong jawed, dimple chinned hero. :) Yes, please let me know what you decide to do to help and we will do it.