Friday, February 18, 2011

Journal Make-Up

Do you write in a journal? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly?

Obviously, I'm on the yearly plan.

Honestly, I am a journal writer. Really, I am. However, even though my journal sits on the edge of my bedside table, staring me in the face every night, I usually crash into bed, or onto the floor, or into my children's bed (and I mean crash. In fact, just the other night, my sister, Adrienne, found me face down on the carpet, glasses askewed, book bent, glamorous drool everywhere fast asleep). So, after a long hiatus of non-journaling, this is what I usually do:

1) Ennumerate everything that has happened in the meantime, usually taking up many pages. This takes up quite a bit of time, but I'm funny in the way I don't want different memories to be lost forever (because, let's face it, in the past, oh 12 years and nine months, I have had very little memory to speak of).


2) I say, "Well, just too much has happened. I don't have the time to recount everything. I'm just starting from today."

So you can know that I haven't been sitting on a chais lounge, savoring bon bons, and watching the long Pride and Prejudice movie for the last four months, I will quickly combine the two methods and pick up next week with an honest to goodness post with pictures and descriptions.

Just for the record (in order):

-Bought a new home on October 30th (I'll have to post pictures later. I love it. It's complete with a laundry shoot, fruit trees of all sorts of yummy varieties, a pool, an acre of land for a large garden, chickens, and my jersey cow--which Adam has already nixed...)

-Erika contracted some mysterious skin disease that two different doctors could not identify. gnarly.

-My parents left for an 18 month mission to Hawaii. They are loving it! Of course, it's Hawaii!

-celebrated Thanksgiving! So much to be grateful much.

-sold our home in two hours. a sheer miracle.


-moved the week of Christmas in unusual California torrential rain. Actually, we moved our stuff in the garage. Our house was being painted

- Homeless for three days. High humidity=wet paint...that wouldn't dry. Eight people on one very kind family's floor.

-moved in two days before Christmas--just by the skin of our teeth! Adam's parents came into town. It was very nice to have them here...they are always so generous and helpful.

-Breathed a huge sigh of relief and gratitude

- School


-Found a wonderful piano teacher for my girls after a very long search

-Austin broke both bones in his arm after I was giving him an "under-dog" on the swings at the park. Talk about guilt!

- Adam was released as Bishop of our ward at church. A very bitter-sweet time. We loved our ward, but boy is it nice having another adult at the end of our pugh! Ha-llelujah!

-Annie turned 12 and entered into the young women program at church. Quite a teary experience. Like my mom always lamented, "Why do you have to grow up?" However, Adam the realist and optimist always reassures me, "Growth is good. Look at what an awesome young woman she is!" I know. He's right. She is as bright and twinkly as ever. She loves the group of girls her age at church and school and was thrilled to be "kidnapped" out of primary last Sunday.

-Adam has been out of town quite a bit lately. I admit. I don't like it when he's gone. The bed is very empty...for about 30 minutes until all my little peeps join me. I think while I write this I have three kiddies in my bed upstairs. See why I'm up so early??

Oh! Did I mention I'm expecting a baby! Baby #7! Wow. I'm still trying to get control with six. Adam muttered a couple weeks ago in bed, with his eyes closed, and arm over his face, "I feel like I'm on a roller coaster and can't get off." Well baby, hang on for dear life. Or maybe just put your hands up and squeal with laughter...the ride is so much more fun that way! (I'm 16 weeks along--just in case you're wondering).

And, Adam turns the big 40 this week! He tells me that I talk about it too much. But, I don't really. I think he's just a smidgen sensitive. He's still as amazing, handsome, funny, smart, loving, kind, and good as ever. Just love that man...

Well, that wraps it up. A quick journal entry in a nutshell. Thinking of you. Hope your new year's resolutions are going well. I'm still making them.

Love you bunches...


Berly said...

Congratulations on baby #7. I can't believe you will have 7 children...I can barely handle my 3 sometimes.

The Leonard Four said...

HHHHIIIIIIIIIIIII lexie! so glad to see you back in blogland...been missing you! keep up the posts so i can keep up with your GROWING family! :) congrats on the newest member of the fam! what a little blessing! xxoo!

Emma Jo said...

I am amazed and in awe that you are writing anything at all--you busy busy lady!!! But I am glad that you are because I love to read about it all. I cannot wait to see pictures of the new house (I'm all for the Jersey cow, does my vote count?) and CONGRATS on #7...I love it, I love it all!!

Andrea said...

Alexis!!! What wonderful news! So much news. I am hoping your move has made you a little closer to me??? Congrats on everything. By the way, I started the process to be a Let's Play Music Teacher. I think I am going to the training in March in Utah! Anyway, keep those pictures coming!

Rick and Nikki said...

I had no idea that you moved! Congrats on the baby! Are you still in Oxnard though?? Love you!

Natalie said...

ALEXIS!!! 7 kids? Are you really old enough to have 7 kids? Way to go. That is so wonderful and exciting, and I hope I can squeeze a few more out too! We are working on #4 right now. I'm 13 weeks along, so "happy getting fat" to both of us!

Natalie said...

Oh yeah, the roller coaster comment is classic. Hilarious. Arms up! Wheeeeee!!!!

cherie said...

Love you dearly! :)

Suzanne said...

Thanks for joining the blogging world again. I kept checking your blog in hopes something would be here. Love your posts! I love that you keep smiling and loving the roller coaster ride.

Amy Lynn said...

I'm so happy to see your blog!!! What an incredibly busy winter you are having! And congratulations on being pregnant! How do you do it all? I want your superwoman powers!

Heather and Aaron said...

Congrats to you and your family! Glad to hear you are doing well!! You'll be just like my mom and dad with 7 kids! :-) What a fun bunch you guys are!!!

Rumsey's said...

Love your blog layout. So excited to go inside your new home. Very dreamy and weird to think how many sweet memories you will have there!