Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Conversations

"So, Joseph, how in the world do you think Santa gets down the chimney--seeing that he's so chubby and all?"

Joseph, (pause, thinking), "Well, I think he just puts a little bit of that dirty black stuff on his nose, says 'ho, ho, ho' and then just goes down the chimney."

"Just like that?"

Joseph, "Mmm, hmm."

That was easy.

Yesterday, Savannah had to turn in a snowman that looked like her. As I was helping her, I accidentally got a little glue on the snowwoman's upper lip. meep. "Oh Savannah, I am so sorry." Savannah, "Oh well, but why does everything I turn in have to look dirty?" Annie chimes in, "Savannah (said in big sister fashion), it doesn't look dirty. It just looks like your snowman spilled hot chocolate on itself as it was drinking." Savannah sighs, "Okay." (I have to giggle. This is so typical of a big family.)

Also, the three youngers and I were reading this week when Joseph spotted a little black boy on a Barney board book, "Look! It's President Obama!" Well... this book is pretty ancient. Yes, I can definitely see a resemblance. President Obama & Barney--that'll put a smile on your face.

Erika is walking. She is too cute for words! Such strong opinions for such a little person her size. She and I stacked wooden rings on their stand over and over again today. very sweet and simple. I love that part of my job description. The simple teaching, the sweet moments.

My three olders have their piano recital this weekend. I've heard their pieces many, many times. Kate is playing The Little Drummer Boy. I especially love it when she plays and sings.

Do you want to hear a neat story?

Last night, Adam came home from work stressed. I have to say that that is one thing (among many things) I admire about my husband...he usually is stressed and has usually had a very full day, but doesn't show it when he gets home. I don't know how he does that. I'm nothing like that. Anyways, full day at work, tithing settlements and other needs at church all night, and he said he had to type this memo to the hospital board by noon the next day that kept looming over his head. That night, after he got home from church, I encouraged him to just go to bed and wake up early the next morning to type it out. He was so beat, he agreed. Early the next morning, he came and told me how much he loved one of his VPs. "What happened?" I inquired. "Well, he (his VP) was going on a trip with his wife last night. His flight was a red-eye and the airline he was on was trying out their new wireless network. He said he had the time and HE TYPED UP THE ENTIRE MEMO FOR ME. He said it was a draft and I could make changes if I needed to." I could see the weight lift off my husband's shoulders and a smile enter onto his face. A Christmas miracle. I thought about that the entire day.

I don't know if there really is a difference in people or I just simply notice more...people's true goodness at Christmas. I love it. I love that we get to feel this every year.

Sweet dreams...maybe a few sugar plums?


April said...

Hospital miracles are the best kind...I will start praying for a few for David.

Kirkhams said...

Hey You!! Melissa told me she talked with you and it was so fun to find your comment and link to your blog!!!

You are such an amazing person with your positive outlook on life! I think that must run in your family (your Mom is the same way)!!! What a beautiful family you have!! All those cute kids!!

Please keep in touch. I'll be popping in on you more often! And if you're ever in TX, I'd love to see you sometime! Now I just have to go find that Beyonce song -- I have a mountain of laundry piled on my bed!

Rumsey's said...

I love that story.

I also love those photos you posted of all 6 children in front of the front door. So cute :)

cherie said...

i love your writing, alexis. it makes me so happy! such great stories, all.

MelanieJ said...

Do you know how much I love and admire you? Always positive (i know you are shaking your head right now--STOP IT!!) even when you are stretched to your limit! i love you and Merry Christmas!

Catherine Elizabeth said...

I love reading these stories... your kids are adorable and I can't believe what a good mother you are!