Saturday, January 9, 2010

Welcome 2010!!!

Yeah!! You're here!

2009 was a wonderful year, but you will be even better (I can feel it in my chub-covered bones)!

2009 also went way too fast. Please, please don't do that to me. I don't want to get to Christmas and wonder how my children became just so grown-up. Just slow it down a little...for me.

And, I am going to be better. Look! I already bought a brand new beautiful calendar and four dozen exquisite tulips to inspire me, in your honor (I know. I always go a wee bit overboard. If 1 dozen are good, then 4 dozen are, of course, better).

My resolutions (filling a full sheet of college-ruled paper) include writing in my journal daily, havng 10 min. of alone time daily with each of my babies and sitting and talking with them at bedtime (versus falling asleep on their floor and mumbling, "Please, just go to sleep."), which leads to going to bed by 10 p.m., planting my rose garden this month, keeping up with my laundry every week, keep up with my book club list, invite a new friend over 2x/month, keep my outdoor pots lovely, finish painting my kids rooms, sing in church as a family, run 1/2 marathon with my husband (or a 5K or maybe just a run around the block...we'll see)...See, it's going to be a full, wonderful year!

Welcome 2010. We're in for a treat!


The Leonard Four said...

happy new year, lex! i just know that you can make all those resolutions happen! love you!

Natalie said...

Every now and then, when I need a little boost, I have to peek in on you. You are lovely. All around. I love your positive outlook, thank you for sharing! :)

tvmom said...

Wow, great goals!!!

Lauren said...

Rose garden this month??? Wow, you live in a different world than me!

Polynesian Cultural Center said...

You make me SMILE!!!
Love your resolutions.
Don't know if I have any.....yet!
(If putting this list out for the world to see gives you more incentive to make sure it gets done, maybe I WILL try resolutions and then put them somewhere for someone to see)