Sunday, January 24, 2010

And so it goes...

I shouldn't be here at this hour. Please don't tell my husband. I'm already breaking one of my most serious resolutions; however, the house is unusually quiet right now and well..I just couldn't help myself!

So, since the last time we were together, life at the Thunell home has been moving at great speed (and with great volume). The silver-bowl epidemic swept through here with a vengeance. Large bowls were set very carefully and strategically by everyone's bed; however, it never seemed to work. I spent the week changing sheets, scrubbing throw-up off of carpet, toilets, walls (sorry) ...mercy... fixing broth, wiping mouths and buns (sorry). It was eventful. You missed a good time. And so did my husband.

At the end of the week, we were feeling better. The three youngers and I had a picnic lunch at the park. You know, before becoming a mom I had no idea what a huge part parks would play in my rearing of our children. I love parks. They are easy. Everyone is outdoors and happy. I have spent many happy moments with my babies here. very sweet.

Moving along...Annie has basketball games on Saturdays. For the past three weeks her team has been smeared. This morning she begged me not to make her go to her game. "Please. It's just so embarrassing." Adam (bless him) has taken her to the church court before school this week to practice. She is improving. This is definitely a lesson on endurance, perseverance, and commitment...none of which are easy to learn.

Monday, my sister, Lauren, had her 4th baby...Caroline Louise...precious. I do not like that she is all the way over in Milwaukee (not one little bit); however, I am so glad that my Mom could go help her. I love my mom. Lauren is an amazing girl. This is her fourth c-section and second spinal headache...ugh. BUT, thankfully she is feeling better and the babe is healthy and beautiful...a blessing.

My sweet brother, Clarky came up on Monday with his darling little boy, Ethan. We LOVED having them come for a visit. His wife just had a darling baby girl, Amber Nicole, in December, so this was the perfect chance to give her a break and to get some cousin time. Have I ever mentioned that I don't like family living so far away? Well, I don't like family living so far away. Clarky's family is living in San Diego at the moment...which we love and are grateful for. Ethan got a good, healthy dose (probably a little too healty) of his cousins. I think it may take him a good week to recover. We loved it. And, Clark hooked us up with Skype. We've spent every day with our family on this webcam in TX and WI...sheer delight!!!

And, it rained. Not just California mist, but honest to goodness TEXAS rain!! HALLELUJAH!! We even had thunder and lightning. I was giddy sipping my Stephens hot cocoa (I will soon become one of their sole stock share holders) and reading my delightful book. Right now, do yourself a favor. Go and get these two books and read them. I'm sorry to say that I was rather neglectful (tossing crackers at my children as I read); however, it was wonderful.

All in all, life has been great.

If you're interested, go here to help with the Haiti relief efforts.



The Leonard Four said...

oh lex...i adore reading about your sweet fam! i love the way you right and just laughed throughout that post! glad to hear that your kiddos are feeling better...silver bowls are the WORST! miss and love you to bits! xo.

OH, i'm going to check out those books right now...

Heather and Aaron said...

Hello Thunells!!How is Clark? It's been ages since i've seen him! The last time I saw him was when he came to see me off on my mission at the MTC in 2000. . . so I guess almost 10 years ago! I hope he is well, and it's great to hear about the birth of his little girl! Little girls are the BEST! We are glad you are all doing well, and hope you have dried out a little bit after your rainy craziness!!! Take care, and it's always wonderful to read about your family!!

Natalie said...

The "silver bowl epidemic" will now be incorporated into our family vernacular! I love it! We totally had a silver bowl when I was growing up. It had a dent in the side, I was surprised to see it a few years ago and realize how small it was huge when I was 6 and filling it with, well you know. :)

Bless you, cleaning up throw up might just be my most dreaded task as a mother! You made it! :)

April said...

Oh life! And you're husband misses most of it. January is not a great month for the wives of hospital administrators. Wish next month was June and not February, which also has a bad track record at our house.

So happy you enjoyed those books...both delightful and so happy you are on the other side of the silver bowl epidemic.

Love you!

Kents said...

So sorry for the throw up epidemic. I read Gurnsey when I had the flu in the fall. ;-) It makes being sick very bearable. The other one I haven't heard of. Hope you are doing better...all of you!