1. This picture. It cracked me up. I found about 50 others just like it on my camera. Oh that Savannah.
2. My Adam's birthday was this week. No, we didn't go to Long John Silver's, but I just found this picture and smiled. I actually have been pretty sick this past week, so one of my dear friends made dinner on Adam's birthday. Menu: bbq chicken, spaghetti squash baked to perfection, sauteed spinach, homemade bread, mashed potatoes that were the bomb, and german chocolate cake from scratch. I'm pretty sure it was his best birthday cake yet. I can't believe how great my friends are.
3. My girls wanted to do something for Haiti about a month ago. They put "Help Haiti" jars in all the classrooms at their school (with the principal's support) to collect change to donate to Haiti. We tallied all the moo-la on Wednesday. I can't believe this little fundraiser made $645.11! It was a good experience for my girls and it made me smile as we found Chuck E. Cheese coins and carwash tokens, knowing that the sweet little children at the school probably dumped the entire contents of their piggy banks from home.
4. My three oldest were accepted to this amazing charter school for the fall. This definitely put a smile on my face.
5. Annie won this speech contest at her school. It made me smile, looking at her in unbelief at how much she's grown.
6. After losing my patience yesterday (shocker), I said "shut- ___." You get into serious trouble around here when you say that. Austin came around the corner with a concerned look, pointing his index finger at me, "Mom, you said a bad work. You get spicy on your tongue." smile. "You're right, Austin." (while dishing up cayenne pepper on my tongue). Thank goodness for my littles. They keep me in line...and smiling.
7. It's Friday. Friday=Happiness (We're watching Phineas and Ferb at the moment. This puts a smile on my face...a grin and some laughter).
Hope you have something exciting going this weekend. It's supposed to rain here tomorrow...that's exciting enough for me.