Friday, February 26, 2010

Something that made me smile this week...

1. This picture. It cracked me up. I found about 50 others just like it on my camera. Oh that Savannah.

2. My Adam's birthday was this week. No, we didn't go to Long John Silver's, but I just found this picture and smiled. I actually have been pretty sick this past week, so one of my dear friends made dinner on Adam's birthday. Menu: bbq chicken, spaghetti squash baked to perfection, sauteed spinach, homemade bread, mashed potatoes that were the bomb, and german chocolate cake from scratch. I'm pretty sure it was his best birthday cake yet. I can't believe how great my friends are.

3. My girls wanted to do something for Haiti about a month ago. They put "Help Haiti" jars in all the classrooms at their school (with the principal's support) to collect change to donate to Haiti. We tallied all the moo-la on Wednesday. I can't believe this little fundraiser made $645.11! It was a good experience for my girls and it made me smile as we found Chuck E. Cheese coins and carwash tokens, knowing that the sweet little children at the school probably dumped the entire contents of their piggy banks from home.

4. My three oldest were accepted to this amazing charter school for the fall. This definitely put a smile on my face.

5. Annie won this speech contest at her school. It made me smile, looking at her in unbelief at how much she's grown.

6. After losing my patience yesterday (shocker), I said "shut- ___." You get into serious trouble around here when you say that. Austin came around the corner with a concerned look, pointing his index finger at me, "Mom, you said a bad work. You get spicy on your tongue." smile. "You're right, Austin." (while dishing up cayenne pepper on my tongue). Thank goodness for my littles. They keep me in line...and smiling.

7. It's Friday. Friday=Happiness (We're watching Phineas and Ferb at the moment. This puts a smile on my face...a grin and some laughter).

Hope you have something exciting going this weekend. It's supposed to rain here tomorrow...that's exciting enough for me.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Happy Valentines Day!

I have a lot to tell you, but is your day going? Have you eaten anything delectable lately? Are there any lovely flowers on your table? What are you having for dinner? (I'm still stumped). How do you observe this Love Day?

So, this past week, my one-and-only and I went to Las Vegas for his business trip. Can you even believe it?! My generous parents came out and stayed with all the natives here. They pretty much put my house back together again with repairs, organizing, etc. I need to show you the inside of my'll be jealous. Anyways, so Las Vegas (the Strip-to be more specific). Let me preface this by saying that I could be dropped off in the middle of nowhere with my husband, and be perfectly content and happy. Our room was luxurious, the food was plentiful and delicious, we were able to go to dinner with Adam's brother and his wife (which was the best part); but other than that...yuck. In fact, did you know that the golden cow idol from the Old Testament transformed into a sparkly, golden horse and is now sitting in the lobby of the Bellagio? It's true.

When we arrived home, we were able to enjoy a couple of extra days with my parents and my brother Ford..."The Lady's Man." As he was running an errand with me, we were listening to some music. He refused to listen to any song, sung by a male. He said he prefers women singers. Okay. Then, he said, "I'm a lady's man." I burst out laughing. Surprised, he said, "What? I am." Love that Fordy.

Last Sunday, we drove down to San Diego for my niece's blessing. She looked like she just was dropped from above...dressed in all white, complete with a delicate white bonnet. The day was perfect. We all basked in the beauty of the day.

We celebrated our Annie's 11th birthday this week. She and I went on a shopping trip last night to celebrate. We had such a blast! She was very careful how she spent her birthday money. At the end of the night, I told Adam that I don't think they come any better than that girl. She is a joy.

Are you watching the Olympics? I can already tell that we won't be getting much sleep for the next two weeks. I just love the Olympics.

And, last but certainly not least...I got a new washer. Did you just gasp? This Big Daddy holds up to 25 bath towels. When Adam came home and told me that this washer had a "Fluff & Fold" feature, I gasped. What?!!!! It fluffs and folds? "No dear. (smiling and amused) It fluffs and gets it all ready for you to fold." Oh. Great. Nevertheless, I am thankful and ready to attack.

It is such a gorgeous, sunny day today. I hope it is so in your neck of the woods. Hope you can enjoy the Lovely Day. Go draw a card. Go read a poem.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Piece of the Puzzle

This morning my level-headed husband smiled and said that I had a sympathy problem..."which can be a blessing or a curse" (I can't say this word without adding Jack Sparrow's accent). He's right. For the past three or four nights I've laid in bed, unable to sleep, staring at the ceiling, thinking, worrying, crying over people I know and people I don't know--their decisions, their losses, their heartbreaks, their upcoming surgeries. Or maybe it was just the stomach flu that hit me on Saturday where I felt like all my innards wanted to be on my out-erds...never mind. I'll spare you all the gory details.

Nevertheless, it got me thinking. I started thinking about faith. Faith is such a simple, yet complex thing. I think maybe it's so simple and that's what is so hard about it. It is trust. Implicit trust. Trust in an all-knowing, all-loving Father in Heaven. Faith is hardest to grasp when the situation is hardest to understand. But, there is always a Plan. A Big Plan. My son illustrated this point beautifully to me this afternoon...

As Joseph and I looked at all the unconnected pieces lying on the table, he grabbed one and started connecting. He knew what to do. But, he would get stumped, frustrated, discouraged and then I'd point out a piece that would go perfectly with it. He would say, "Oh yeah, I know, I know, I know." As he started working on a small part of the puzzle, I asked, "Joseph, what is this puzzle a picture of?" "Oh, it's of this little boy with a crown." Actually, it wasn't. The small boy with a crown was just the small corner of the puzzle...a small piece of the big picture.

So often, we get frustrated and discouraged with our circumstances. Heavenly Father lets us try to figure it out for awhile and then gives us nudges. They seem so simple and obvious. We wonder why we didn't think of it ourselves. We get caught on one small part of the "puzzle." We think "this is it." But really, it isn't. Our plight is to trust. Implicitly trust. Knowing that Heavenly Father is aware of every single, solitary piece of our puzzle. He knows where they all go. If we put our trust in Him, he will teach us. He will help us to progress, to refine us. Soon enough, our puzzle will all be put together. It will be a masterpiece.

p.s. my sweet friend texted me this week, saying that I was slacking on my blog. I'm going to do better. "No blog slacking": resolution #382. It'll be right next to "No mildew in the laundry room."

Love you all.