Sunday, February 14, 2010


Happy Valentines Day!

I have a lot to tell you, but is your day going? Have you eaten anything delectable lately? Are there any lovely flowers on your table? What are you having for dinner? (I'm still stumped). How do you observe this Love Day?

So, this past week, my one-and-only and I went to Las Vegas for his business trip. Can you even believe it?! My generous parents came out and stayed with all the natives here. They pretty much put my house back together again with repairs, organizing, etc. I need to show you the inside of my'll be jealous. Anyways, so Las Vegas (the Strip-to be more specific). Let me preface this by saying that I could be dropped off in the middle of nowhere with my husband, and be perfectly content and happy. Our room was luxurious, the food was plentiful and delicious, we were able to go to dinner with Adam's brother and his wife (which was the best part); but other than that...yuck. In fact, did you know that the golden cow idol from the Old Testament transformed into a sparkly, golden horse and is now sitting in the lobby of the Bellagio? It's true.

When we arrived home, we were able to enjoy a couple of extra days with my parents and my brother Ford..."The Lady's Man." As he was running an errand with me, we were listening to some music. He refused to listen to any song, sung by a male. He said he prefers women singers. Okay. Then, he said, "I'm a lady's man." I burst out laughing. Surprised, he said, "What? I am." Love that Fordy.

Last Sunday, we drove down to San Diego for my niece's blessing. She looked like she just was dropped from above...dressed in all white, complete with a delicate white bonnet. The day was perfect. We all basked in the beauty of the day.

We celebrated our Annie's 11th birthday this week. She and I went on a shopping trip last night to celebrate. We had such a blast! She was very careful how she spent her birthday money. At the end of the night, I told Adam that I don't think they come any better than that girl. She is a joy.

Are you watching the Olympics? I can already tell that we won't be getting much sleep for the next two weeks. I just love the Olympics.

And, last but certainly not least...I got a new washer. Did you just gasp? This Big Daddy holds up to 25 bath towels. When Adam came home and told me that this washer had a "Fluff & Fold" feature, I gasped. What?!!!! It fluffs and folds? "No dear. (smiling and amused) It fluffs and gets it all ready for you to fold." Oh. Great. Nevertheless, I am thankful and ready to attack.

It is such a gorgeous, sunny day today. I hope it is so in your neck of the woods. Hope you can enjoy the Lovely Day. Go draw a card. Go read a poem.



Emma Jo said...

All that food, family and time with your hubby (and new washer) sound delightful!! What a fun lady you are, I just love you and the thought of your adorable family!
PS My fondest memory of Ford is him looking at us over his glasses and calling us "Hot Lips" in the halls at church.

Rumsey's said...

HA! I love the golden horse idol. I guess I just can't get over how clearly our world is becoming just as the scripture warns us not to be like!

Thanks again for having Ethan and Clark over last month. They had such a wonderful time. We so look forward to seeing you all at Merlsie's camp.

tvmom said...

oh, I love the Olympics too! addicting! Wow, sounds like your life is packed full of fun...and so cool that you got a new washer..25 towels...amazing!

cjaster said...

Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? Just take a look at Annie. You 2 are so cute together!

Ditte said...

You are so cute! I love the way your write! Maybe if I was half as clever, I'd actually keep updating my blog on a regular basis!

Ditte said...

P.S. Jeremy and I just found out that if you have Verizon Fios, you can watch the Olympics anytime on "On Demand" It's awesome!

Natalie said...

I remember Matt and I went to Vegas the first Valentine's Day after we were married, we were at BYU and thought it would be a good side trip. Ugh, truly one of the yuckiest places on earth. Glad you enjoyed part of it.

When that folding washing machine comes out, you let me know! :) Glad you had fun with you family, Ford...what a treasure. :)

Buzz said...

I'm a ladies man too you know. I have my beautiful wife and 5 other little ladies that tell me they love me everyday. I even get kisses... tell Ford it's ok, he can be jealous.

And tell Ford I need one of those cool dogtag necklaces too. Can they put "Yo Yo Buzz" on it?