Saturday, October 25, 2008

Are we there yet??!

I've been asking myself this question quite a bit lately; however, it has now transformed into "Aren't we there yet??" At my appointment this past week, my doctor sweetly suggested we induce on Oct. 30th --that is the day he is on-call. what? "Well, what about Oct.27th...pleeeease??" I explained all the reasons I should be induced sooner than later--but to no avail. rats! When I informed Adam about the 30th, he timidly asked me if I wanted him to call Dr. Reisman about inducing this week instead. No, my dear, this is another good lesson for me on patience... In the meantime, we have been busy. Our dear friends, Todd and Jen Hilbig and family came to visit last week from Utah. Todd served a mission with Adam in Germany and later the four of us became fast friends during our BYU days. We spent the day with them at Disneyland and then they spent the rest of the weekend with us making wonderful memories. We took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch, which is always fun and festive. We have so many pumpkins around our home...I love it! We're still trying to decide on costumes for everyone. Everyone changes their minds on a daily basis. I usually end up scrambing around on Halloween afternoon, trying to cook up a princess wand, a princess cape, a bunny rabbit tail, a witch outfit, etc. Adam may have to come to the rescue this year (or maybe even Grandma Thunell--she arrived out from Utah this morning to help when the baby arrives. She is super creative, thankfully, and can possibly become our costume designer this year! Hooray for Grandma!). This week, Annie's soccer team was informed that they made it to the playoffs! She was bubbling with excitement! We got out her team picture and she explained to me how much they've improved throughout the season. We went through every teammate, "She is such a great goalie, she is such a great forward, she is awesome at defense, she is such a good forward, etc." It was cute. When I was tucking her in that night, she looked up at me (with a thoughtful look on her face) and asked, "What does playoffs mean anyway?...will we get a medal or a trophy?" I giggled about that the rest of the night...


JuGaJoZmom said...

Your blog brought back memories of Jonathan's birth.

I remember, resting on the sofa, sleeping between contractions, while the kids went trick or treating with dad. We really didn't want a Halloween baby... Jonathan was born the next day and Gary was there, dressed as Buzz Lightyear.

Our prayers are with you. Can't wait to see pictures of Baby Thunell!!!

meg said...

Good luck!!!! Can't wait to see picture, and hear the name! And you are nice to do Halloween so close to baby birthday - definately super mom.

Buzz said...

You tell Annie that mercy is for the weak.

She must win her playoff games at all cost.

"Strike first, strike hard, no mercy sir!!"

mommyhopey said...

Hey Alexis and family..Merry Christmas! Thanks so much for thinking of us and sending us a Christmas card! Congrats on the new baby Erika...she is an absolute doll!!! We will be vistiting in January and are hoping to catch up with you all then. We would love to borrow Annie for the day for a play date with Kali.
BTW-I love your blog so much that I am in the process of creating one for us. May I ask what kind of camera you have? It takes fabulous pics....I am sure some of it is the operator :).
Hope you all had a fabulous and blessed day!
Hope Lilienthal