Sunday, April 26, 2009

"To Life!..."

"Happy happy birthday Austin dear...!" Now it's official. Austin has reached his second year of life. What in the world?!!! Where does time go? He has been living up to his 2 yr. old status for some time now (you know...hitting, biting, cookie loving...well, I don't think that ever wears off). However, Austin is a very special little guy. I mean, with four older, expressive (okay...LOUD! We had a mini-lesson over dinner tonight on volume-control and how to actually get some) siblings, Austin is a pro on "going with the flow." He is my true cuddler and makes it even better by patting me on the back and giving me a great, bit wet kiss. He loves to sit down and read with me, especially by himself. This morning for his birthday, we took a little hiatus from our health food and had his request for dogs. Oh well, it makes for some good memories (and, I felt such guilt 10 minutes later that I served cucumber sticks all around...for some nutritional value). Here's to another wonderful year! Love you little Austie!

Friday night, we set up the tent in the backyard. The kids and Adam slept outside and loved it (I, of course, had to sleep indoors for Erika's sake)! We bought a new tent and had to test it out. Hoping to have some exciting camping trips in the near future! Come and join us! We'll even supply the s'mores (another hiatus...mmmm)!!!

We spent Saturday morning involved in the Mormon Helping Hands project of cleaning up the beaches. All the LDS Stakes in California were involved in some type of service project on Saturday. We had some great fun!

Adam and I went to see Fiddler on the Roof at a theater in Ventura this week. It was out of sight!! I've been singing all my favorites: If I were a Richman (or woman), Matchmaker (I definitely relate with this Yente, the matchmaker...much to my single sister, Adrienne's chagrin), Wonder of Wonders, and To Life, To Life...(and then they sing about some Russian vodka that I've never heard of)!!

Also, I made an executive decision and decided that we needed to go somewhere a little different this summer on about...hmmm...Hawaii?!! I've been singing Aloha oi, da da da da (I've never known the true lyrics) ever since I bought the plane tickets. It seems to calm me down (of course, along with the jumping jacks).

Today at church, as I was wrestling a few children in my lap, Joseph kept trying to pick my nose. The girls and I were trying to keep ourselves from laughing too hard and too loud. He kept saying (rather intently), "Mom. It's okay. It won't even hurt."

Here's "To LIFE!!!..." And isn't it a great one. Heavenly Father is very good to us.


Kents said...

Wahoo for Hawaii!!!! It was so great to see you yesterday. I would have stayed to visit longer, but I felt guilty not to be working. :-) I lol at the nose picking. I think I've had the same experience.

The Leonard Four said...

first of all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUSTIN! the big T.W.O. is a good one! :) i seriously love that he wanted hot dogs for breakfast!

and WOWEEEEEEE!!!!! i'm sure hawaii will be awesome! totally fun!

i so love keeping us with you guys on your blog! another great week in review, my friend! xo..

The Rodriguez Crew said...

"it's okay Mom, it won't even hurt." Umm, thank you for starting my Monday off to a great start! HA!!!

The hot-dog breakfast is classic, and I love that you obliged! Such a great Mommy!

The Hawaii vaca will be dreamy, and something the kids won't ever forget... great exec decision!

love these weekly reviews, and love your sweet family!! :)

hope it's another great week ahead for Team Thunnel!

cherie said...

what a fun birthday breakfast!! happy birthday little buddy!
so excited for your vacation too. i can hear the ukeleles now!

Polynesian Cultural Center said...

I always look forward to the pics and the fun "experiences" every Monday. Thanks for sharing these precious moments. Give that birthday boy an extra special hug. (Having a "tear" moment-hate to miss these times!) Love, Merlsie

Ellis3 said...

Happy Birthday Austin!! Breakfast hot dogs AND backyard camping-Now that's a birthday!

You will looooove Hawaii. Here are the lyrics to sing until then:

Aloha ’oe
Aloha ’oe
E ke onaona noho i ka lipo
One fond embrace
A ho’i a’e au
Until we meet again

hugs and kisses :)

Angi said...

Hey cutie!
Ditto to all the comments on the nose picking story-hilarious! Thanks for your cute message-the projects are all for school(Did I tell you we homeschool?) You are actually the amazing one, btw. You've got six adorable kids and the oldest is younger than Grant! You have Austin, my Elise's age, and then a baby. And you are a sweet,jumping jack-ing mom. You Rock!! Love you :)

Andrea said...

Happy birthday to Austin! I think it is even great that he knows what he wants to eat for breakfast!

So, exciting for Hawaii! Let me know if I can help, since we just got back. The kids are going to love it. I wish my kids were with us.


Natalie said...

Cute. Ethan, my two year old, frequently asks for hot dogs or macaroni and cheese for breakfast. Way to break the rules! :) Hooray for 2 year olds. Aren't they the best?

Emma Jo said...

Your brood just sounds fun and loving and awesome. I want to go to Hawaii...and hot dogs for breakfast sounds like a party!


I am loving the story of how you met Adam and I want to do the tent thing. I think the girls would love it, so we will see. Hawaii - FUN!!