"That's it!! No more craziness. No more late, late nights. I am producing a schedule that I will adhere to every day of my life. I am taking control!"
These were my thoughts about a week ago. I'll be honest, when everyone was getting their gifts in heaven, I did not get into the Will-Be-Organized line. Instead, I was probably off in some corner talking and laughing. dang!
So, here I am, always trying to make some sort of order out of chaos. I wrote the new schedule in my journal. Schedules stress me out. So, three days into it, I sat on my bed in tears, trying to explain my situation to my husband (while he was holding his iphone/planner in his hand, mind you. He was a good one and stood in the will-be-organized line).
"I feel like I'm in a box and I'm about to explode! I want to do something crazy like...like...paint a wall purple!"
"Or maybe hang some lime-green beads in a doorway!"
"Alright, I'll just go to bed."
Life can be very ordinary...same, same, same. But, while trying to get a little bit of order, I can find the extraordinary--like Joseph learning how to ride a bike this week! Extraordinary! Or getting candy bars, all around, at Target for 100% Spelling Tests. Extraordinary! Or writing in my journal everyday this week (thank you very much). Majorly extraordinary!!!
Hope you can find some extraordinary in the ordinary...it's just so much more delightful!