Tuesday, September 1, 2009

pouring rain

When it rains, it pours...

MAMA MIA (said with feeling)!!!

I used to like the little show, Ratatouille. Not so much anymore. In fact, it will be a good long while until it is popped in the DVD player at this house. (I hope none of you are eating, while reading here). We have had a serious mice issue. Did you know the food of choice nowadays for mice is peanut butter and cheese fishy crackers? Okay, I'll stop. Just be grateful you aren't developing a relationship with mice snappers and DCON...like my husband.

And speaking of husband, my poor husband. We were in the ER last night...kidney stones. I've only seen him in this kind of writhing pain once before in our marriage, 11 years ago...kidney stones. I love taking care of him. I know having a husband as a hospital administrator doesn't offer perks like an all-expense paid, luxurious business trip or early evening arrivals from work; however, it does offer one very wonderful, very important perk. As I was driving him to his hospital last night, he picked up his phone and called the dr. on-call. He told him he was coming. We went through the back door, walked right in the room, and he was hooked up to pain meds in 10 minutes flat. We were in and out of there in an hour and 15 minutes. I need to remind myself of this perk, especially when it feels like I haven't seen my hard-working husband for days. A urologist friend called today to check on him. I could hear the dr. trying to convince Adam to come in for a CT scan. Adam said (while wincing in pain), "Oh, I'll be okay." Then I heard, "Okay Adam...good talking with you. Now, let me talk with your wife." Needless to say, he went in for a CT scan. He's sleeping right now.

California has fires. more fires. fires=Savannah's asthma flare-up

My grandma-Dorothy had a stroke last week. She's still in the hospital. I've been thinking a lot about her and her frustration in not being able to talk. I'm sad of that. But, the Lord is mindful. He always is. I have faith in that.

BUT, the silver lining is (and there always is one)...I have such supportive family and supportive friends. Friends that take my kiddies when I need to run off to the hospital. Friends that feed my kiddies. Family that calls. Family and friends that pray.

Life is busy. Life is good. With every shower, brings lovely flowers. I'm counting on it. (I'm almost finished with my laundry...a definite flower).


MelanieJ said...

My dear friend--you are an angel. You keep smiling and laughing throughout the sun, smoke, rain, mud, screaming, mess, and so much more. How I miss you!

April said...

I love you.

Wish I was there to make some food or give a breathing treatment.

I will pray instead. How's that?

Unknown said...

You are taking this pouring rain like a champ!! You're amazing!! If you need anything let me know please. I can do whatever is needed. Kids to and from activities, need some more ice cream for all those peaches, need to sleep or stare out your car window I am here. CALL ME!!

cherie said...

oh i'm so sorry to hear about all the craziness, alexis. we will pray for ALL of you! hope adam recovers soon. we love you!!

The Leonard Four said...

oh lexie...i'm sorry that you're having a tough time right now! i'll be sending lots of good thoughts and big hugs your way! rain, rain, go away! love you...

Amy Lynn said...

Oh, my poor husband had kidney stones a couple of years ago and it was the same, same story! He was in so much pain and then he had to be coerced and shoved into the hospital and CT scan. I'm so sorry. I hope he is doing better.

I love the song "When it rains, it rains pennies from heaven"! Here is hoping for sunnier (and fire free) days!

Andrea said...

Oh that is a lot all at once. Kidney stones are horrible! Ouch! Poor Adam. Hope those passed quickly. You really do seem to be taking it well. You are wonderful! I'll be thinking of you guys!

Rumsey's said...

Alexis - you're an awesome writer. . . wow. Sound like a columnist or something. Anyways, we love the blog.

Polynesian Cultural Center said...

WOW! You're capacity is going to increase BIG TIME! We're thinking of you our sunshine girl!